Key Factors in Designing the Ideal Landscape for Your Business

Professional landscaping isn’t just a business, it’s an art. That’s why you want to call on contractors who have the experience and knowledge necessary to help you achieve your landscaping goals. Taking great care to deliver optimal results for clients, The Veron Company is the premier choice for professional landscaping.

Today we’re talking about some of the most common challenges you may face in commercial landscaping. Here are five things to keep in mind before you come up with your commercial landscape design.

  1. Curb Appeal. First impressions make all the difference. In fact, studies have shown that 70 percent of a customer’s first contact with your company comes with curb appeal. So investing in curb appeal that sends a strong message about who you are as a company is a worthwhile investment. Before coming up with a plan for your landscape, first check for any of those things that may be hurting your curb appeal—unsightly weeds, trees that eclipse the view of your company building, and any other obstructions. Deal with those things first.
  2. Property Size. You have to take several things into consideration before starting your landscaping plan. Choosing vegetation that doesn’t dwarf a smaller building structure, or that complements the size of the building and property is essential. It’s usually a good idea to consult with professionals who can help you with this.
  3. Natural Features. Landscaping professionals should have a strong understanding of terrain and soil quality when planning what plantings and maintenance methods will be used. Things like hillsides, slopes, and other natural elements will affect landscaping design decisions. Sometimes rocky areas pose a problem, but they can also work to your advantage. You could create a rock garden or areas of tranquility for employees. You may also want to add rocks to hold the soil in place if there is a danger of soil erosion.
  4. Environmentally-Friendly. Eco-friendly landscaping is good for the environment and for customers. If you have a company that cares about going green, you’ll want to use fertilizers and pesticides that don’t contain toxic chemicals and are safe for animals. You’ll also score major points with customers.
  5. Safety. When you’re designing for your outdoor space, you should think about safety for employees and customers. Land that slopes downhill makes it easy for rainwater and melting snow to flow down and resist flooding. Professionals like The Veron Company provide snow removal services and special salt products that melt icy walkways.
  6. Lighting. As we mentioned in previous blog posts, some trees, flowers and other plantings do well in particular climates more than others, and some that require more sunlight than others. You want your professional landscapers to know what is best to plant and in what location. Contractors who don’t know what they’re doing may choose to plant flowers along a walkway simply because they look pretty. However, if those flowers only thrive in tropical environments with high humidity and your company is in the Northeast, this wouldn’t be very practical. You shouldn’t have to worry about issues like that; so call on landscapers who have a proven track record of knowledge and professionalism.

The Veron Company is your partner in keeping your property well-maintained. We do the work, and you and your customers benefit from the end result. Keep checking our blog for more maintenance tips, and contact us today to let us go to work for you!

The Veron Company, serving Marlborough, Massachusetts and surrounding areas, including Cape Cod since 1982.