If you own or manage a commercial property that has landscaped grounds or a yard then you need to make sure it’s properly prepared for the cold winter months ahead. Otherwise, you’ll be causing damage to your commercial landscaping that is costly to fix. The following information will provide you with a few ways to prepare your commercial landscaping for the winter. If you do not have the time and or wherewithal to perform the following commercial landscaping tasks yourself, we are more than happy to help. 

Dethatch The Lawn

First and foremost, your commercial landscaping, particularly the lawn, needs to be dethatched in the fall before the ground freezes. That basically means the dead grass, dead roots, and dead stems need to be removed from the grass. Thatch also collects even more debris over time, so it makes the lawn look unruly. Thatch also blocks the roots of your grass from receiving the nutrients that they need to survive the winter and thrive during the following spring. Thatching is an important commercial landscaping job that should be left to a professional landscaping company.  

Aerate The Lawn

Aerating the lawn actually goes hand in hand with dethatching the lawn. In essence, it’s poking a bunch of holes in the lawn in order to break up the compacted soil. The bottom line is that aerating provides the grass roots with the ability to receive those much-needed nutrients. This important task should also be left to a professional landscaping company. 

Turn Over The Mulch In The Mulch Beds

It’s also important to turn over the mulch. The harsh sun and heavy rain downpours during the summer months will begin to decay the mulch that’s placed in beds around your property. The good news is that the life of your mulch can be extended by turning over the top layer with a rake. In essence, when the mulch is fluffed up, it becomes more viable. On the other hand, if the mulch is a few years old, it makes more sense to replace it. However, we should caution you that over mulching can actually be dangerous. For example, too much mulch leads to the infestation of pests and or diseases that will hurt your lawn, plants, and trees. 

If you would like more information about ways to prepare your commercial landscaping for the winter, or would like to book service, please contact us today. If you’re interested in enhancing the landscaping at your property in Marlborough, MA or surrounding areas, or would like to schedule an initial consultation. We will provide you with the best advice about how to properly take care of your commercial and residential landscaping on a year-round basis. Hiring a professional will go a long way in helping you avoid mistakes that waste a great deal of time and money. 

In addition, we have the ability to properly evaluate your property and truly understand the steps that it takes to complete the project on time and on budget. Please contact The Veron Company today with any and all questions about our vast array of home services, and your landscape design needs. We have a full crew of trained and experienced professionals to handle the job for you. Our company has been concentrating on maximizing your home’s potential since 1982.