There is nothing worse than looking out at your yard and seeing pesky weeds popping up everywhere. They are almost taunting you and saying “We’re Back!”  Here are a few tips and strategies to prevent those “monsters” from invading your lawn.

  1. Mow to the Ideal Height

It shouldn’t come as any surprise that by mowing your lawn, you are beginning to tackle the problem.  What many homeowners don’t realize is that in order to properly prevent weeds from appearing on a regular basis, grass has an ideal height in which is grows strong and healthy.  Typically most grass should be kept between 1 to 3 inches in height.  As long as you are not cutting lower than that ideal height, as well as keeping it fertilized and watered properly, the grass will usually out-compete weeds.

  1. Identify Your Target

Try to figure out what type of weed is growing in your yard.  There are mainly three types of weeds you will find: broadleaf weeds, perennial grassy weeds, and annual grassy weeds.  Once you figure out what it is you can determine what products you will need to control and eventually eliminate the problem.

  1. Use Herbicide to Eliminate Weeds

Control the amount of herbicidal products you use. They are chemicals and too much can cause problems.  If you are just seeing a few isolated instances of weeds popping up, use a spot-kill method with a small pressure sprayer.  If the weeds are out of control, use a dial sprayer to apply an even treatment to your lawn.

  1. Tackle Flower Beds

If you have flower beds in your yard, be sure to address these areas as well. One option is to utilize a weed controlling fabric to help keep beds weed free. Poor sunlight and soil conditions can often make it difficult to grow grass in certain areas. If that is the case you can spruce up the area with mulch, stone, or a flower bed containing plants that are tolerant to those conditions.