Lawn Renovation Services

The Biggest Benefits Of Using Organic FertilizerLawn renovation is the improvement of your lawn without complete reestablishment.

Reestablishment refers to complete destruction of the old lawn, thorough site preparation and replanting. Lawn renovation is necessary when the existing lawn has declined to a point where standard practices will not revive the lawn, but complete reestablishment is unnecessary. Generally, if half or more of the area has desirable lawn, renovation will succeed.

Several factors can cause a lawn to decline, including improper mowing, watering and fertilizing; poor drainage; soil compaction; excessive thatch; incorrect pesticide usage; and lawn pests such as insects or weeds. Sometimes problems relate to growing a non-adapted grass species, excessive shade, tree and shrub root competition or winter injury.

The first step in the renovation process is determining what caused the lawn to fail. Planting grass into a problem area without understanding the cause of that problem may result in another failed lawn. Our team of experts can assess your lawn, determine the problem and put a plan in place to address any issues to get you the lawn you desire! Call us today for a free quote.

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