Choose Plantings That Spell Success

As we’ve said, landscaping for your business property is one of the most important aspects of presenting your company to the world. Every plant you choose sends a message. But you’ll want plantings that are low-maintenance, so you don’t have to spend time taking care of them. You’ll want to focus on your business, not worry about landscaping. That’s why it’s a good idea to call on professional contractors who can help you choose the right plantings and design the landscaping that best suits your business.  In our last blog, we looked at some sample trees. Now we’re going to examine the most low-maintenance plants and flowers for your property.



Consider daisies for their cheerful appearance. They grow in full sun or partial shade, so you can plant them near or far away from your building. Also, daylilies are an all-around excellent flower to plant as well.


These come in many colors, so they’ll brighten up any landscape. They are also easy to care for, doing well in full or partial sun. They are tolerant in times of drought, so you won’t have to worry about constant watering. They are also resistant to deer, which could be important if your business is located in an area where there are frequent deer sightings.  


These perennial flowers have a fern-like appearance with a few surprises. In mid-spring, they will bloom with colors ranging from pink, white and rose. For this reason, they can really add those special touches of color to brighten up your landscape.


Do you have too much concrete and would like to break it up with different textures? Do you have a small space, but would like to give a more open appearance? Plants and shrubs can achieve many goals. You can tie together vegetation and buildings with ornamental shrubs and grasses. If you plant them along walkways, at the base of trees, in parking areas, you can achieve a warm, inviting, yet professional atmosphere. Here are a few ideas:

Feather Reed Grass

This grass grows to six feet tall. It grows especially well in the autumn sun, and is tolerant to most weather conditions. If you’re looking for low-maintenance landscaping, you want to find grasses that are super tolerant. An “easy-going” grass is key.


This planting comes in all different sizes and requires minimal pruning. Again, low-maintenance! Its color lasts year round, so you’ll be able to keep some color no matter what the season. Also important to note—it’s a non-invasive grass that won’t spread, so you won’t have to worry about it taking over your landscape!

Maiden Grass

This is a more dramatic grass with a towering shape. It grows to eight feet tall and blooms in summer and fall. Depending on your needs, this can be a lively addition to your plantings.

The Veron Company is dedicated to providing organic, environmentally-friendly and beautiful landscaping, as well as other services. Keep checking our blog for more maintenance tips, and contact us today to let us go to work for you!

The Veron Company, serving Marlborough, Massachusetts and surrounding areas, including Cape Cod since 1982.